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This research aims to develop a PISA-type content quantity that uses the context of religious holidays during the pandemic that is valid, practical, and potentially affects mathematical literacy skills. This research uses development research with two stages: preliminary and formative evaluation. This research also uses Inquiry- Based Learning (IBL) model in the learning process. This study involved eighth-grade students aged 13-15 years of various abilities. Data collection and analysis techniques were documentation, walkthroughs, observation, interviews, and tests. The research was carried out offline and online (Zoom and WhatsApp Group (WAG)). In this study, sharing activities were produced as well as a PISA-type jumping task with content quantity characteristics in the context of religious holiday during the pandemic by the PISA 2022 framework where what needs to be considered are mathematical literacy skills and use of language that is by language standards that can be applied and well interpreted by the students. Based on the students' answers, it can be seen that the questions and activities are included in the practical category because they can be solved well by students. From the results, it can be concluded that the developed PISA-like numeracy and activity has a potential effect on mathematical literacy skills and life in the context of religious days during the pandemic. In addition, IBL model can improve students' communication skills in solving PISA-type math problems and activities.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2023 Sisca Puspita Sepriliani, Zulkardi, Somakim

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- Zulkardi, Z., Meryansumayeka, M., Putri, R. I. I., Alwi, Z., Nusantara, D. S., Ambarita, S. M., Maharani, Y., & Puspitasari, L. (2020). How students work with PISA-like mathematical tasks using COVID-19 context. Journal on Mathematics Education, 11(3), 405–416.
Afriyanti, I., Wardono, W., & Kartono, K. (2018). Development of mathematical literacy refers to pisa through technology-based 21st century learning [In Bahasa]. In PRISMA, Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika, 608–617. pengembangan literasi matematika.pdf
Artigue, M., & Blomhøj, M. (2013). Conceptualizing inquiry-based education in mathematics. ZDM, 45(6), 797–810.
Bakker, A. (2018). Design research in education: A practical guide for early career researchers. London: Routledge.
Bayram, Z., Oskay, Ö. Ö., Erdem, E., Özgür, S. D., & Şen, Ş. (2013). Effect of Inquiry based Learning Method on Students’ Motivation. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 106, 988–996.
Dobber, M., Zwart, R., Tanis, M., & van Oers, B. (2017). Literature review: The role of the teacher in inquiry-based education. Educational Research Review, 22, 194–214.
Hawa, A. M. (2014). Analysis of students’ ability to solve math problems of PISA type [in Bahasa]. Seminar Nasional Evaluasi Pendidikan II Tahun 2014, 890–900.
Jannah, R. D., Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi, Z. (2019). Soft tennis and volleyball contexts in asian games for PISA-like mathematics problems. Journal on Mathematics Education, 10(1), 157–170.
Kemenkes. (2020). Guidelines for preparedness for novel coronavirus infection (2019-nCov) [In Bahasa]. Jakarta: Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control.
Maaß, K., & Doorman, M. (2013). A model for a widespread implementation of inquiry-based learning. ZDM, 45(6), 887–899.
Marshall, J. C., Smart, J. B., & Alston, D. M. (2017). Inquiry-based instruction: a possible solution to improving student learning of both science concepts and scientific practices. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(5), 777–796. 016-9718-x
Murtiyasa, B. (2015). The challenges of learning mathematics in the global era [in Bahasa]. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika Dan Pendidikan Matematika UMS, 28–47. M.pdf
Nieveen, N., & Folmer, E. (2013). Formative evalution in educational design research. Design Research, 153, 152–169.
Noviana, K. Y., & Murtiyasa, B. (2020). PISA oriented mathematical literacy ability content quantity in middle school students [in Bahasa]. JNPM (Jurnal Nasional Pendidikan Matematika), 4(2), 195–211.
Nusantara, D. S., Zulkardi, Z., & Putri, R. I. I. (2020). Designing PISA-like mathematics problem relating change and relationship using physical distancing context. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1663(1), 012004.
Nusantara, D. S., Zulkardi, & Putri, R. I. I. (2021a). Designing PISA-like mathematics problem using a COVID-19 transmission map context. 020005.
Nusantara, D. S., Zulkardi, Z., & Putri, R. I. I. (2021b). Designing PISA-like mathematics task using a covid-19 context (Pisacomat). Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(2), 349–364.
OECD. (2016). PISA 2015: PISA results in focus. Paris : OECD Publishing.
OECD. (2018). PISA 2021 Mathematics Framework (draft). https://pisa2021- 2021 Mathematics Framework Draft.pdf
OECD. (2019). PISA, 2018: Insights and interpretations. Paris : OECD Publishing. 2018 Insights and Interpretations FINAL PDF.pdf
Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi, Z. (2018). Higher-order thinking skill problem on data representation in primary school: A case study. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 948, 012056.
Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi, Z. (2020). Designing PISA-like mathematics task using asian games context. Journal on Mathematics Education, 11(1), 135–144.
Sanjaya, W. (2006). Learning in the Implementation of Competency-based Curriculum [in Bahasa]. Jakarta: Kencana.
Silviani, T. R., Jailani, J., Lusyana, E., & Rukmana, A. (2017). Efforts to increase interest in learning mathematics using inquiry based learning setting group investigation [in Bahasa]. Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif, 8(2), 150–161.
Widianti, W., & Hidayati, N. (2021). Analysis of middle school students’ mathematical literacy ability on triangle and quadrilateral material [In Bahasa]. JPMI (Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Inovatif), 4(1), 27–38.
Zulkardi. (2002). Developing a Learning Environment on Realistic Mathematics Education For Indonesian Student Teachers. Enschede: Universiteit Twente.
Zulkardi, Z., & Kohar, A. W. (2018). Designing PISA-like mathematics tasks in Indonesia: Experiences and Challenges. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 947, 012015.
Zulkardi, Z., Meryansumayeka, M., Putri, R. I. I., Alwi, Z., Nusantara, D. S., Ambarita, S. M., Maharani, Y., & Puspitasari, L. (2020). How students work with PISA-like mathematical tasks using COVID-19 context. Journal on Mathematics Education, 11(3), 405–416.