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The study of cylindrical geometry is a fundamental component of mathematics education, yet many students face challenges in grasping the concepts of surface area and volume. To address this issue, it is imperative to design a structured learning trajectory that leverages innovative approaches and integrates suitable contextual elements with technological assistance. This study explores the implementation of Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) supported by animated videos and Adobe Animate, to facilitate understanding of these concepts. The research focuses on the design of instructional activities centered on the Semarang Nyadran tradition as a contextual framework. Employing a design research methodology, this study was conducted in three stages: preliminary design, design experimentation, and retrospective analysis. The participants were seventh-grade students at a state junior high school in Semarang. The resulting learning trajectory comprises four key activities: observing animated videos depicting the Nyadran tradition to identify cylindrical characteristics, determining the cylinder's surface area through cardboard modeling, calculating the cylinder's volume using styrofoam and 2D geometry formulae, and solving contextual problems related to cylindrical geometry. The incorporation of the Nyadran tradition, animated videos, and Adobe Animate provided a culturally relevant and technologically enriched learning experience, enhancing students' comprehension of cylindrical concepts and their ability to solve contextual problems effectively. This study highlights the potential of integrating local cultural wisdom and technology in mathematics education to create engaging, meaningful, and contextually grounded learning experiences. The findings offer insights for future research to explore other forms of local wisdom as entry points for teaching diverse mathematical topics in innovative and technology-integrated ways.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Farida Nursyahidah, Faisa Marsha Anindya, Masayu Amalia Yulianti, Zulfa Izzati Prisanto, Marcel Adventino Rendra Rosario

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- Meryansumayeka, Zulkardi, Putri, R. I. I., & Hiltrimartin, C. (2022). Designing geometrical learning activities assisted with ICT media for supporting students’ higher order thinking skills. Journal on Mathematics Education, 13(1), 135–148.
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- Nursyahidah, F., & Albab, I. U. (2021). Learning Design on Surface Area and Volume of Cylinder Using Indonesian Ethno-mathematics of Traditional Cookie Maker Assisted by GeoGebra. In Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal. 13(4), 79–98.
- Nursyahidah, F., Saputro, B. A., & Albab, I. U. (2021). Learning cylinder through the context of Giant Lopis tradition. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1918(4).
- Nursyahidah, F., Albab, I. U., & Mulyaningrum, E. R. (2023). Learning design of quadrilateral STEM-based through lesson study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(11), em2352.
- Nursyahidah, F., Albab, I. U., & Rubowo, M. R. (2023). Learning Design of Sphere using Realistic Mathematics Education Assisted by Interactive Video. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 17(3), 297-312.
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- Pratiwi, M. D., Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi, Z. (2022). Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Material Social Arithmethic class VII Assisted Video Animation in the Era of Covid-19. Infinity Journal, 11(2), 297.
- Putri, R. I. I., Zulkardi, Z., Setyorini, N. P., Meitrilova, A., Permatasari, R., Saskiyah, S. A., & Nusantara, D. S. (2021). Designing a healthy menu project for Indonesian junior high school students. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(1), 133–146.
- Sudirman, Runisah, Kusumah, Y. S., & Martadiputra, B. A. P. (2023). Epistemological Obstacle in 3D Geometry Thinking: Representation, Spatial Structuring, and Measurement. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(4).
- Suseno, P. U., Ismail, Y., & Ismail, S. (2020). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Video Interaktif berbasis Multimedia. Jambura Journal of Mathematics Education, 1(2), 59–74.
- Sutarni, S., Sutama, S., Prayitno, H. J., Sutopo, A., & Laksmiwati, P. A. (2024). The development of realistic mathematics education-based student worksheets to enhance higher-order thinking skills and mathematical ability. Infinity Journal, 13(2), 285–300.
- Yakubova, G., Hughes, E. M., & Baer, B. L. (2020). Supporting students with ASD in mathematics learning using video-based concrete-representational-abstract sequencing instruction. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 64(1), 12–18.
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Aisyah, F., Lestari, A. A. P., Supriyanto, M. A., & Nursyahidah, F. (2021). Exploration of Sam Poo Kong Building Heritage as Starting Point in Geometric Transformation Course. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 16(1), 15–28.
Akker, J. J. H. van den (Ed.). (2006). Educational design research. Routledge.
Albert, M. J., Blazquez-Merino, M., Lopez-Rey, A., & Castro, M. (2021). Influence of Technological Resources on the Development of Mathematical Competence in High School. IT Professional, 23(2), 19–25.
Alghadari, F., & Noor, N. A. (2021). Conceptual technique for comparison figures by geometric thinking in analysis level. Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices, 2(1), 1–8.
Andzin, N. S., Sari, P. Y. P., Widodo, R. C., Sukowati, D. I., Indriastuti, S., & Nursyahidah, F. (2024). Arithmetic Sequences and Series Learning Using Realistic Mathematics Education Assisted by Augmented Reality. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 18(1), 139–148.
Cisneros, L., Campbell, T., Freidenfelds, N., Lindemann, A., Elliot-Famularo, H., Chadwick, C., Dickson, D., & Park, B.-Y. (2023). Eco-digital storytelling: Engaging historically excluded populations in environmental action through mentoring, geospatial technology, and digital media storytelling. Frontiers in Education, 7, 1083064.
Crompton, H., & Ferguson, S. (2024). An analysis of the essential understandings in elementary geometry and a comparison to the common core standards with teaching implications. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 12(2), 258–275.
Deshpande, D. S., Riccomini, P. J., Hughes, E. M., & Raulston, T. J. (2021). Problem Solving With the Pythagorean Theorem: A Think Aloud Analysis of Secondary Students With Learning Disabilities. Learning Disabilities, 19(1), 23-47.
Feeley, T. H., Keller, M., & Kayler, L. (2023). Using Animated Videos to Increase Patient Knowledge: A Meta-Analytic Review. Health Education & Behavior, 50(2), 240–249.
Fendiyanto, P. (2023). Geogebra Training as an Innovative Learning Media for Middle School Mathematics Teachers in Samarinda City [in Bahasa]. 4(4).
Gravemeijer, K., & van Eerde, D. (2009). Design Research as a Means for Building a Knowledge Base for Teachers and Teaching in Mathematics Education. The Elementary School Journal, 109(5), 510–524.
Gübbük, E., Uygun, T. (2024). The effects of realistic mathematics education on students’ achievement and attitudes towards mathematics on integer operations. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 16(2), 83–97.
Hardiyanto, D., Asokawati, I., Majid, P. M., Maesaroh, A. T., & Nursyahidah, F. (2024). Learning Reflection Using Realistic Mathematics Education Assisted by GeoGebra Software. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 18(1).
Hasyim, M., & Ahmad, I. S. (2021). The Effectiveness of Implementing Blended Project Based Learning using ICT- Multimedia in Statistic Learning: 2nd Annual Conference on Social Science and Humanities (ANCOSH 2020), Malang, Indonesia.
Huang, H.-M. E., & Wu, H.-Y. (2019). Supporting Children’s Understanding of Volume Measurement and Ability to Solve Volume Problems: Teaching and Learning. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 15(12).
Knopik, T., & Oszwa, U. (2021). E-cooperative problem solving as a strategy for learning mathematics during the COVID-19 pandemic. Education in the Knowledge Society (EKS), 22, e25176.
Lelinge, B., & Svensson, C. (2020). Teachers’ Awareness and Understanding of Students’ Content Knowledge of Geometric Shapes. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 78(5), 777–798.
Malalina, Putri, R. I. I., Zulkardi, & Hartono, Y. (2023). Developing mathematics teaching materials using maritime context for higher-order thinking in junior high school. Journal on Mathematics Education, 15(1), 173–190.
Marasabessy, R., Hasanah, A., & Juandi, D. (2021). Curved Side Space Structures and Their Problems in Mathematics Learning: A Literature Review [in Bahasa]. 4(1).
Meryansumayeka, Zulkardi, Putri, R. I. I., & Hiltrimartin, C. (2022). Designing geometrical learning activities assisted with ICT media for supporting students’ higher order thinking skills. Journal on Mathematics Education, 13(1), 135–148.
Muhyiddin, A. S. (2019). Ritual Communication of the Nyadran Procession (Symbolic Interactionism of the Religious Community of Genting Village, Jambu District, Semarang Regency) [in Bahasa]. AT-TABSYIR: Jurnal Komunikasi Penyiaran Islam, 6(2), 194.
Nursyahidah, F., & Albab, I. U. (2021). Learning Design on Surface Area and Volume of Cylinder Using Indonesian Ethno-mathematics of Traditional Cookie Maker Assisted by GeoGebra. In Mathematics Teaching-Research Journal. 13(4), 79–98.
Nursyahidah, F., Saputro, B. A., & Albab, I. U. (2021). Learning cylinder through the context of Giant Lopis tradition. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1918(4).
Nursyahidah, F., Albab, I. U., & Mulyaningrum, E. R. (2023). Learning design of quadrilateral STEM-based through lesson study. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education, 19(11), em2352.
Nursyahidah, F., Albab, I. U., & Rubowo, M. R. (2023). Learning Design of Sphere using Realistic Mathematics Education Assisted by Interactive Video. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 17(3), 297-312.
Prahmana, R. C. I. & D'Ambrosio, U. (2020). Learning geometry and values from patterns: Ethnomathematics on the batik patterns of yogyakarta, indonesia. Journal on Mathematics Education. 11(3), 439–456.
Pratiwi, M. D., Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi, Z. (2022). Mathematics Critical Thinking Ability Material Social Arithmethic class VII Assisted Video Animation in the Era of Covid-19. Infinity Journal, 11(2), 297.
Putri, R. I. I., Zulkardi, Z., Setyorini, N. P., Meitrilova, A., Permatasari, R., Saskiyah, S. A., & Nusantara, D. S. (2021). Designing a healthy menu project for Indonesian junior high school students. Journal on Mathematics Education, 12(1), 133–146.
Sudirman, Runisah, Kusumah, Y. S., & Martadiputra, B. A. P. (2023). Epistemological Obstacle in 3D Geometry Thinking: Representation, Spatial Structuring, and Measurement. Pegem Journal of Education and Instruction, 13(4).
Suseno, P. U., Ismail, Y., & Ismail, S. (2020). Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Matematika Video Interaktif berbasis Multimedia. Jambura Journal of Mathematics Education, 1(2), 59–74.
Sutarni, S., Sutama, S., Prayitno, H. J., Sutopo, A., & Laksmiwati, P. A. (2024). The development of realistic mathematics education-based student worksheets to enhance higher-order thinking skills and mathematical ability. Infinity Journal, 13(2), 285–300.
Yakubova, G., Hughes, E. M., & Baer, B. L. (2020). Supporting students with ASD in mathematics learning using video-based concrete-representational-abstract sequencing instruction. Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth, 64(1), 12–18.
Zulkardi, & Setiawan, M. B. T. (2020). Javanese calendar as context to learn number pattern and least common multiple. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1470(1), 012094.