Main Article Content
This study focused on developing student worksheet (SW) based on philosophy on the topic of matrix operations, including an overview of its effect on students' conceptual understanding abilities of grade XI at Senior High School (SMA in Bahasa) IT Bina Ilmi Palembang. It discussed how the student worksheet produced could be valid, practical, and had potential effects. The method used was development research consisting of preliminary, prototyping and assessment phase stages. This student worksheet consisted of the history of the matrix (ontology), matrix operation procedures (epistemology) and implementation of the matrix (axiology). The results showed that the validity of the student worksheet amounted to 84.1% with a valid category and could be used with minor revisions. The practicality score at the small group stage was 87.8% with a very practical category. Statistical results showed that there was an increase in the average score of a significant test result of 59.06. This showed that there was a positive effect from the use of philosophy-based SW on students' conceptual understanding. Based on these results, the philosophy-based student worksheet developed was categorized as valid, practical, and effective in improving students' conceptual understanding ability on matrix material.
Article Details
Copyright (c) 2023 Somakim, Nur Zahwa, Zuli Nuraeni, Jeri Araiku

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Apertha, F., Zulkardi., & Yusup, M. (2018). Development of student worksheet based on open-ended problems on quadrilateral material grade VII. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 12(2), 47-62.
Apriani, D., Caswita, & Asmiati. (2017). Development of student worksheets based on a constructive approach to improve understanding of mathematical concepts [In Bahasa]. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Lampung, 5(11), 1-12. Retrieved from
Arifin, M. N., Syabillah, D., Raizon, E. I., Prasetyawati, Y., Nurrohim, E. W., Somakim., Meryansumayeka., & Nuraeni, Z. (2021). Development of Junior High School Student Worksheets Based on Mathematics Philosophy on Cone Material [In Bahasa]. Kontinu: Jurnal Penelitian Didaktik Matematika, 5(2), 129-141.
Asdarina, O. & Khatimah, H. (2021). Development of the Geogebra Application Assisted Learning Matrix Learning Module [In Bahasa]. AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika, 10(2), 860-871.
Astuti, S., Danial, M., & Anwar, M. (2018). Development of PBL (Problem Based Learning) based student worksheets to improve critical thinking skills of learners on chemical equilibrium material [In Bahasa]. Chemistry Education Review (CER), 1(2), 90-114.
Augustine, S., Hartono, Y., & Indaryanti. (2020). Concept understanding of junior high school students in line and angle material through reciprocal teaching approach [In Bahasa]. Lentera Sriwijaya: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Matematika, 2(2), 1-13.
Deda, Y. N. & Maifa, T. (2021). Development of student worksheets using the context of local wisdom on integers and fractions. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 15(1), 71-82.
Gustianingrum, R. A. & Kartini. (2021). Analysis of student errors based on mathematical objects according to soedjadi on determinant and inverse matrix material [In Bahasa]. Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 10(2), 235-244.
Haji, S. & Yumiati. (2019). NCTM’s Principles and Standards for Developing Conceptual Understanding in Mathematics. Journal of Research in Mathematics Trends and Technology, 1(2), 52-60.
Istiqomah, M. & Somakim. (2022). Development of philosophy-based student worksheets on class VII set material [In Bahasa]. Teorema: Teori dan Riset Matematika, 7(1), 53-64.
Kasse, F. & Atmojo, I. R. W. (2022). Analysis of 21st century skills through science literacy in elementary school students [In Bahasa]. Jurnal Education and development Institut Pendidikan Tapanuli Selatan, 10(1), 124-128.
Khairani, B. P. & Kartini. (2021). Error analysis of 11th grade high school students on matrix material [In Bahasa]. Mosharafa: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 10(3), 505-514.
Kolomuc, A., Ozmen, H., Metin, M., & Acisli, S. (2012). The effect of animation enhanced worksheets prepared based on 5E model for the grade 9 students on alternative conceptions of physical and chemical changes. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 46(1), 1761-1765.
Laili, N., Purwanto, S. E., & Alyani, F. (2019). The effect of guided discovery model assisted by student worksheets on mathematical concept understanding ability of SMPN 6 Depok students [In Bahasa]. International Journal of Humanities, Management, and Social Science, 2(1), 14-37. DOI:
MoECRT. (2022). Regulation of the minister of education, culture, research, and technology on content standards for early childhood education, primary education, and secondary education [In Bahasa]. Jakarta: MoECRT. Retrieved from
Munasiah, Solihah, A., & Heriyati. (2020). Students' concept understanding and mathematical reasoning in matrix learning [In Bahasa]. SAP (Susunan Artikel Pendidikan), 5(1), 73-78.
Nova, E., Retta, A. M., & Nopriyanti, T. D. (2022). Student worksheet development using the PMRI approach in the classroom context with an orientation toward students’ conceptual understanding. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 16(2), 203-214.
Novitasari, L. & Leonard. (2017). The effect of mathematical concept understanding ability on mathematics learning outcomes [In Bahasa]. Prosiding Diskusi Panel Nasional Pendidikan Matematika (pp. 539–548). Retrieved from
Nur'rohim, E. W. (2021). Development of philosophy based LKPD on algebraic operations to identify concept understanding ability of students in grade VII [In Bahasa]. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis. Palembang: Universitas Sriwijaya.
Nursikin, M. (2016). Schools of education philosophy and its implementation in the development of Islamic education curriculum [In Bahasa]. Attarbiyah: Journal of Islamic Culture and Education. 1(2), 303-334.
Pratiwi, R. I. (2021). Development of philosophy-based triangle equivalence materials LKPD to see learning motivation of grade IX students [In Bahasa]. Unpublished Undergraduate Thesis. Palembang: Universitas Sriwijaya.
Sinaga, W., Parhusip, B. H., Tarigan, R., & Sitepu, S. (2021). The development of mathematics in philosophy and the school of formalism contained in the philosophy of mathematics [In Bahasa]. SEPREN: Journal of Mathematics Education and Applied, 2(2), 17-22.
Sultan, A. A., Henson, H., & Lickteig, D. (2021). Assessing preservice elementary teachers’ conceptual understanding of scientific literacy. Teaching and Teacher Education, 102, 103327.
Triwibowo, T., Pujiastuti, E., & Suparsih, H. (2018). Improving students' mathematical concept understanding ability and competitiveness through trajectory learning strategy [In Bahasa]. PRISMA: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Matematika, 1, 347-353. Retrieved from
Zebua, V., Rahmi, & Yusri, R. (2020). Analysis of student errors in solving problems of number and sequence in view of the ability to understand mathematical concepts [In Bahasa]. LEMMA: Letters of Mathematics Education, 6(2), 122-133.
Zulfah, Fauzan, A., & Armiati. (2018). Development of student worksheet using problem based learning for mathematics material in grade VIII. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 12(2), 33-46.