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The study purposefully explored the effect of Hands-on activities on pre-service teachers’ assessment in mathematics. The research employed a quasi-experimental design and utilized intact classes. One Hundred and Twenty (120) Level Three Hundred Pre-service teachers offering bachelor's degree programs in Junior High Education where purposively sampled. The one-group Pre-test and Post-test design was used to collect data for this study where each participant was evaluated first under the control condition and then under the treatment condition. The intervention was implemented within three weeks using manipulatives to ensure the practicality of the lessons. The post-test was also administered immediately after the intervention to determine its effectiveness. Results show a statistically significant ( ). Hence the study concluded that the use of hands-on activities improves on students’ performance in mathematics. It was recommended that, the teaching and learning of mathematics at the pre-tertiary level should incorporate hands-on activity method since it improves learners’ assessment practices.
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Adjei, P. B., & Agyei, D. D. (2018). Effects of hands-on activities on problem solving skills in primary school mathematics in Ghana. International Journal of Innovative Research in Education, 5(2), 16-26.
Adu-Gyamfi, K., Oduro, G., & Atiemo, S. M. (2020). Effects of hands-on learning on mathematics performance of primary school pupils in Ghana. International Journal of Instruction, 13(4), 391-406.
Agyei, E., Agamah, D. C., & Entsie, G. (2022). Access to Manipulatives in the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Ghana's Colleges of Education. American Journal of Educational Research 10(4). 188–193.
Baah-Duodu, S., Osei-Buabeng, V., Cornelius, E. F., Hegan, J. E., & Nabie, M. J. (2020). Review of literature on teaching and learning geometry and measurement: a case of ghanaian standards based mathematics curriculum. International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (IJASRE), 6(3), 103-123.
Beem, H. (2020). Effect of hands-on science activities on Ghanaian student learning, attitudes, and career interest: A preliminary control study. Global Journal of Transformative Education, 2(1), 18-32.
Bartolini, M. G., & Martignone, F. (2020). Manipulatives in mathematics education. Encyclopedia of mathematics education, 487-494.
Ekwueme, C. O., Ekon, E. E., & Ezenwa-Nebife, D. C. (2015). The Impact of Hands-On-Approach on Student Academic Performance in Basic Science and Mathematics. Higher education studies, 5(6), 47-51.
Ginsburg, H. P., & Golbeck, S. L. (2004). Thoughts on the future of research on mathematics and science learning and education. Early childhood research quarterly, 19(1), 190-200.
Gumilar, A. C., Afrian, N. F. S., & Pramiarsih, E. E. (2020). The Effect of Mathematics Learning With Improve Method to the Mathematical Representation Ability of Junior High School Students. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1477, No. 4, p. 042047). IOP Publishing.
Hatch, T., White, M. E., & Capitelli, S. (2005). Learning from teaching: what's involved in the development of classroom practice?. Cambridge Journal of Education, 35(3), 323-331.
Hritonenko, N., Hritonenko, V., & Yatsenko, O. (2021). Engaging Activities for Enhancing Mathematical Learning. In 2021 International Conference on Diversified Education and Social Development (DESD 2021) (pp. 98-102). Atlantis Press.
Hussain, M., & Akhtar, M. (2013). Impact of hands-on activities on students’ achievement in science: An experimental evidence from Pakistan. Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research, 16(5), 626-632.
Johnson, D. M., Wardlow, G. W., & Franklin, T. D. (1997). Hands-on activities versus worksheets in reinforcing physical science principles: Effects on student achievement and attitude. Journal of agricultural education, 38(3), 9-17.
Kerrigan, J. (2018). Active learning strategies for the mathematics classroom. College Teaching, 66(1), 35-36.
Klu, T. K., Assan, F. K., Maanu, V., & Atta, S. O. A. (2023). An Investigation of the Use of Physical Manipulatives to Enhance the Conceptual Understanding of Operations on Fraction Among Pre-Service Teachers. British Journal of Multidisciplinary and Advanced Studies, 4(2), 1-11.
Menix, K. D. (1996). Domains off learning: Interdependent components of achievable learning outcomes. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 27(5), 200-208.
Mostofo, J., & Zambo, R. (2015). Improving instruction in the mathematics methods classroom through action research. Educational Action Research, 23(4), 497-513.
Owusu-Boampong, A., & Larbi-Siaw, O. (2019). The effect of hands-on activities on the performance of Junior High School (JHS) students in mathematics in Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice, 10(8), 59-66.
Pandey, P., & Pandey, M. M. (2021). Research methodology tools and techniques. Romania: Bridge Center
Rath, A., & Brown, D. E. (1996). Modes of engagement in science inquiry: A microanalysis of elementary students' orientations toward phenomena at a summer science camp. Journal of Research in Science Teaching: The Official Journal of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching, 33(10), 1083-1097.;2-O
Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2015). Research methods for business students. Pearson education.
Seefeldt, C., & Wasik, B. A. (2006). Early education: three-, four-, and five-year-olds go to School. Recording for Blind & Dyslexic.
Shi, L., Dong, L., Zhao, W., & Tan, D. (2023). Improving middle school students’ geometry problem solving ability through hands-on experience: An fNIRS study. Frontiers in Psychology, 14, 1126047.
Shin, M., Bryant, D. P., Bryant, B. R., McKenna, J. W., Hou, F., & Ok, M. W. (2017). Virtual manipulatives: Tools for teaching mathematics to students with learning disabilities. Intervention in School and Clinic, 52(3), 148-153.
Suh, J. M., Moyer-Packenham, P. S., & Westenskow, A. (2017). Effects of manipulative use and student ability level on mathematics achievement: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Educational Psychology, 109(7), 935-950.
Quansah, F. (2021). Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in Lower Primary in Schools in Ghana. In Developing Mathematical Literacy in the Context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (pp. 136-154). IGI Global.
Vo, P. T. (2013). Archimedes in action. The Physics Teacher, 51(8), 498-499.
Weaver, G. C. (1998). Strategies in K‐12 science instruction to promote conceptual change. Science education, 82(4), 455-472.;2-A