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This study aims to determine mathematical abilities of the students in grade 8 in solving statistical problem using RME and LSLC in online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Learning began with the provision of were given interactive videos as an asynchronous pre-learning stage. Furthermore, at the synchronous stage, students were given sharing tasks and jumping tasks then synchronous activities were closed by giving independent assignments. In asynchronous pre-learning, students sent independent assignments via Google Classroom at a predetermined time. Subjects in this study were 31 eight graders junior high school students. This research used a descriptive method, where the data were obtained by using observation, test, and interview. The data were analyzed qualitatively descriptively. The result of this study is students’ abilities in a good category with an average 68,5. Therefore, it is concluded that RME and LSLC are suitable for use during a pandemic as teaching methods for statistics.



COVID-19 LSLC RME Problem Solving Statistical Problem

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How to Cite
Hasanah, M. N., Putri, R. I. I., & Zulkardi. (2024). Students’ Ability in Solving Statistical Problem Using the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika, 16(2), 215–226. Retrieved from


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